Saturday, February 9, 2013

Interview with Rachel McCLellan, author of Fractured Light and Fractured Soul

How did you choose your title?

The original title for Fractured Light (before I knew it was going to be a series) was called BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON. Harlequin sounding isn’t it? I completely picture a bare-chested man riding bareback on a horse….maybe that’s why I liked it at first.

Anywho, the first thing my publisher did was change it. They suggested Shades of Light. Um, maybe. I thought “Shades” sounded to soft for my novel, so that’s when I came back and suggested Fractured Light. It was well received and made the titles for the next books in the series very easy: FRACTURED SOUL and FRACTURED TRUTH.

Tell us about the cover and how it came to be.

Other than giving my okay, I didn’t help with the cover at all. My publisher contracted the work out with a reputable illustrator. What’s interesting about my cover, though, is I’ve had many people ask if it is me on the cover. Nope. The illustrator and I have never met.

Did you self publish or publish traditionally and why?

I published traditionally through Cedar Fort Publishing. They publish roughly 120 books a year. The reason I chose this is I already run a home based business in something unrelated to writing so I didn’t want to dedicate the time required to make my writing into more of a business venture. Although I probably still market just as much as if I had self published. J

What part of the writing process is the hardest for you?

Editing, but not the process itself. They way I edit is I have to print my entire manuscript then I go through it with a pen. What I hate is entering all those stupid changes back into the computer. It seems to take forever!

What tips can you give on how to get through writers block?

You have to get out of your “writing environment”. Go for a walk or a drive. Listen to a new kind of music specific to the scene you want to write. For example, if you know you need a fight scene, but you’re not sure what direction to go, find some good ace-kicking music and listen to it while picturing your characters. This has always worked for me.


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Buy Fractured Soul


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